Capturing user feedback can be a mixed bag

Whilst some insights can be truly painful to read it’s worth remembering that any feedback is better than none. The key is in pulling out the signals from all the noise and keeping track of what you did, what worked and what didn’t.

In order to capture how users are actually navigating through the platform, Hello Human work with tools like HotJar and FullStory. These tools make recordings of each user as they navigate, click and enter information and is essential in understanding why someone does something not just that they did it (when you compare them to standard analytics tools).

Some of these tools also include polls or surveys that can provide additional feedback mechanisms on the platform, asking your visitors key questions at certain points in their journey.

Actioning the feedback

Now that you are capturing raw feedback you can start to link them to any features or improvements that were derived from it, this helps us “close” the feedback loop and gives every member of the product team more understanding as to “why” they are developing these changes.

To do this we recommend capturing these items as a task in your management tool of choice and then link these items to any new development tasks you add to the backlog:

This helps you to really understand the good drivers to change and stop focusing on the loudest voices, who may only be interested in solving a problem only they have.