We recommend an Agile Sprint model whereby work can be created, estimated, planned and delivered every two weeks. Using a continuous deployment framework these items can be delivered when ready by the push of a button.

Pre-Sprint (Sprint -1)

  1. Add items to the backlog as they come up, including feedback tasks, bugs etc

  2. Product Owner to prioritise and set the order of completion

  3. Delivery team to estimate effort for each task where possible

  4. Items collected into a Sprint ready to go

During Sprint

  1. Design work would ideally be completed one Sprint ahead

    1. But any changes can still happen in flight

    2. Any design specific tasks to be created as a “Design task” in JIRA

  2. Development team to pick-up and complete

    1. Any blockers are to be discussed and removed from the Sprint while they become unblocked

    2. Additional stories can be pulled in from the backlog if they are needed for this story to be complete

    3. All communications/decisions to be kept in the story

  3. Automated tests built and any manual testing run (UI)

  4. Tasks are bundled into a release

    1. Deployed via CICD process and tagged

    2. When released logs can be monitored to check for issues


  1. Run a retro at the end of each Sprint to spend an hour with the product team

    1. What went well

    2. What didn’t go quite so well

    3. What questions/observations can be made to help us in the future

  2. Backlog to be reviewed and re-prioritised ready for the next Sprint