Scope 2 emissions are the indirect greenhouse gases generated from the electricity, heating, and cooling you use. These emissions occur at the power plant or facility that produces the energy, not at your office, factory, or home.

Standards in Australia: The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme is our 'compass' for Scope 2 emissions standards in Australia. Established by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, the NGER Scheme provides a national framework for reporting and disseminating company information about greenhouse gas emissions, energy production, and energy consumption.

A diagram of Scope 2 emissions
Image A diagram of Scope 2 emissions

Trailblazing the Scope 2 Path

Reducing Scope 2 emissions is a journey, not a destination. Here are some key markers to guide you:

1. Measurement: Know Your Footprint
Start by determining your current energy consumption and corresponding Scope 2 emissions. This involves auditing your energy bills and understanding where and when you consume energy. The Australian Government provides some handy tools and resources, like the NGER Measurement Determination guidelines, to help.

2. Efficiency: Doing More with Less
Next, implement energy efficiency measures. This could involve retrofitting with energy-efficient appliances and equipment, optimizing HVAC systems, or investing in insulation to reduce heating and cooling demands.

3. Renewable Energy: The Power of the Sun (and Wind, and Water...)
Where possible, switch to renewable energy sources. This could mean installing solar panels, investing in wind energy, or purchasing green power or renewable energy certificates.

4. Reporting: Sharing Your Journey
Under the NGER Scheme, companies that exceed specific energy or emissions thresholds must report their emissions annually. Even if your business isn't obligated, transparently reporting your emissions and reduction efforts can boost your reputation and encourage others to follow your lead.

5. Continuous Improvement: Keep Moving!
The journey to reducing Scope 2 emissions isn’t a 'one and done' deal. Technologies improve, new solutions emerge, and your business evolves. Regularly reassess your energy usage, emissions, and strategies to ensure you're always on the most sustainable path.

6. Employee Engagement: Everyone's an Explorer
Last but definitely not least, involve everyone in your organization. Creating a culture of sustainability requires awareness, education, and engagement across all levels of your company.

End of the Trail?

Reducing Scope 2 emissions can be a tough trek, but the rewards are well worth it – lower operating costs, improved reputation, and contribute to the global fight against climate change. Plus, you’ll feel like you've just climbed the highest peak or crossed the driest desert when you see those emission numbers start to fall.

Need our help?

If you’re embarking on the journey of creating a new platform, or replacing an existing one and want to see how you can benefit from implementing modern technologies to solve age-old problems, get in touch.